Why on Earth would a Start-Up adopt a Panda?

Released: April 14, 2022

Because we are on a mission. Period. No, but seriously. Of all industries, the travel industry has suffered pretty badly because of the pandemic. Yet here we are. We have decided to set foot into the world of human kind’s oldest habit because we are certain that travelling will never die. And the demand for a helping hand before travelling to foreign destinations by giving an outline of what can be seen and done increases as well.

L🎈ng Nguyễn

But what does that have to do with a panda?

It could have been any endangered animal but our community apparently has a soft spot for the black and white, clumsy bear. So do we.
Thankfully, travellers requests have shifted towards sustainable and eco-friendly trips more than ever before. Meaning that our mindset changed to still wanting to travel but at the sime time be mindful of the environment and if possible support the destination’s local businesses.

Enrique Bosquet

So, being a service provider for trip plans and travel experiences has us one step closer to being a sustainable travel business. But we took it to the next level and decided to adopt an endangered animal by applying for a partnership and contribute to the upbringing of such.


Our aim is to grow our community, hence why their opinions and input mean the world to us. The decision-making process included a survey on our social media channels where we asked which of the endangered animals we should adopt. The majority placed their votes for the Giant Panda. And it was then, we discovered that we could still change our corporate identity and branding to fully dedicate it to the panda.
Our logo icons resembemled the distinctive panda eyes and we came across more facts that strengthened our decision. The word ‘Pan’ originates from the Greek word pân, meaning “all”, “of everything”, “involving all members” (of a group). In association to our brand and business whose focus it is to offer all travellers around the world a personalized and unforgettable guided experience while on a trip, the short inclusion of “Pan” within Panda definitely fits perfectly.

Shahrul KBS

Strengh in Numbers

But the inclusion of our communitie’s wishes and opinions doesn’t end here. They have chosen the name: Pandi
They have chosen our current new logo.
And they are currently choosing who is going to be our new family member out of 16 adoptable pandas.

Pandi — The Trip Planner Pro

The plan is to make Pandi virtually come to life and illustrate them next to having actual and regular information on the current circumstances of our adoptee.
Pandi will be the first point of contact for anyone interested in getting their travel plans customized pre trip. We have yet to find out the characteristics and we have yet to teach Pandi the know-how but this is our take on revolutionizing the way start-ups in the travel industry should go about their business.

Paul Laminack

You will hear from us!

Once we’ve found Pandi with the help of our community, we will start spreading the news. The end of the polls is set to March 31st, 2022.

Why on Earth would a Start-Up adopt a Panda? was originally published in Pandi English on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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