About Us

Mission and Vision

Tourisfair UG aims to optimize the travel experience for tourists and visitors in order to get the most out of their trip and return home happy and satisfied. We provide you with activity trip planning. We try to meet their expectations exactly and bring them to the enjoyment of this wonderful 'waw' effect

While respecting the privacy of users, we collect data to calculate quality and satisfaction values based on their emotions expressed in their reviews. In this way, we help providers of activities, restaurants, tour operators, tourist offices, cities, regions and countries to offer their best activities, menus and sights, which are planned according to the wishes and tastes of customers

Together with our partners, we develop new and creative business models to attract visitors and focus on sustainability. In this way, we promote a better future for future generations of tourists

The Team


Gustavo Ortega-Schwindt

CEO & Founder

At the age of 12, Gustavo and his family decided to move from Peru to Germany and have not stopped getting to know new places and cultures since then. His mission at Tourisfair is not only to provide excellent service, but also to strive to improve Tourisfair in a warm and futuristic working environment to provide you, the traveler, with the best planning service ever


Nizar Ayed

CTO & Founder

With more than 30 years as a programmer and 20 years in IT consulting in various industries and service sectors, Nizar has a deep understanding of current technologies and upcoming trends. Blockchain, machine learning, big data, IoT, cloud and web services are all buzzwords that open up endless innovation opportunities for almost all areas of life. His goal at Tourisfair is to offer data-oriented services to local, regional and international tourism actors and activity providers

